The Weekend Edit 14

After spending an entire week being stuck inside the study center cranking out usable drafts for my final course papers just to get a piece of mind and reassure myself that it will all get done and I will still have time to enjoy my last fews weeks in Italy, I met up with my friends in southern Italy on Friday for the weekend trip of a lifetime.

We stayed in Sorrento for three nights in a little hut-cabin at a campsite a little outside of the city and made trips out to Positano, Amalfi, and Capri. The Amalfi Coast is one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen, as cliffs drop straight down into the ocean and towns climb up the mountainside from the beach into the fog engulfing the tips of the massive rock formations. While transportation woes made for some pretty dark moments, we met the nicest people along the way and saw such gorgeous sights that I am more than happy to neglect the few nauseating bus rides that happened and say that this has been my favorite trip that I've made outside of Rome since being in Italy. As much as I fell in love with the beautiful town of Positano, all of the things that happened in Capri probably made that my favorite day trip (elaborative post to come!). I wasn't sure what to expect of southern Italy since there's quite the strong stereotype, but I feel like we experienced some good ole southern hospitality from the people of Sorrento, especially, which made our stay extremely enjoyable.

Though we didn't do anything Easter-related, I would much rather tell people I spent Easter day soaking up the sunshine in Capri than wake up at 3 am to battle throngs of people to catch a glimpse of the Pope at the Vatican. I am so happy to have been able to spend some quality time at the ocean (though it was too cold to jump in), and looking through my pictures and already reminiscing about the good times from this trip is absolutely unreal. I can't believe I saw there, taking it all in with my own eyes and not just oogling over other people's photos of the "Top 10 Places You Have to Visit" lists on Tumblr and Pinterest. As usual, it is good to be back in Rome though (not to mention coming back on Rome's 2767th birthday. Tanti auguri, Roma!). Two more weeks of school -- ahh!! Io ho bisogno di fare tante cose prima di lasciare!